There are Differences That Need to be Recognised
by Wayne Cooper ~ contracted polio at age 4
In many ways I don’t like the term ‘survivor’ used in any context as it can lead to links to other ‘survivors’ such as cancer and so on and eventually turn off those we want to engage.
In my case I have never seen myself as anything less than an Australian making my way and trying not to have to rely on others (including Government) until I really need to. In this I have been successful for over 60 years.
Twenty years ago I had my first run-in with melanoma and since then, with the assistance of a great surgeon, Prof John Thompson, have managed to keep it at bay. However, a year ago I developed a large invasive tumor in my chest which was inoperable. Luckily for me I was accepted onto a new trial of the first drug that melanoma responds to. The drug has little side effects OTHER than (in my case) to create muscle wastage in my ‘good’ leg bringing on post-polio at a great rate. Mind you I am not whinging, it is much better to be alive and to be still working.
My message is this … in the greater number of cases, people who have had polio have contributed to our country with limited call on the health system. Even in later years we continue to contribute BUT we may need some support and some of us may need more than others. It is inconceivable that the NDIS will cut out at 65 and even more frustrating that the Tax Offset is due to be removed next year, a change that will impact those who pay for themselves and put even more pressure on the public purse.
Thank you all for taking the time to visit Canberra on our behalf.
by Wayne Cooper ~ contracted polio at age 4
Wayne was my oldest brother and at 15 years older, there was always a distance between us. Sadly, Wayne passed away on 10th May 2016 as a result of his ongoing fight with Melanoma. I want to thank his wife, Nicki, for beign there for and with Wayne throughout thier lives together. Thank you Wayne, for being the brother you were to John and I and for the way you worked tirelessly to reconnect with dad.
Wayne passed away in May 2016.