Neena Bhandari on SBS Hindi
Polio survivor, Neena Bhandari spoke in two interviews on SBS Hindi, to help outreach to polio survivors from CALD backgrounds (all interviews are in Hindi):
Interview One
Australia was declared Polio free in 2000. Journalist Neena Bhandari, who had polio as a child says “most people, especially migrants who have arrived in recent years, find it very difficult to get diagnosed for PPS or Late Effects of Polio and then find the right doctor, physiotherapist, orthotists, aged care services.”
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Interview Two
Australia was declared Polio free in 2000. But as journalist Neena Bhandari, who had polio as a child and has written several articles on Polio including for the British Medical Journal says, polio still poses a threat and is only a flight away.

Neena Bhandari carrying the 2006 Commonwealth Games Queen’s Baton at Hyde Park in Sydney.