A Better Way
by Dick Symes ~ contracted polio at age 17
I am an Australian citizen from a pioneer family. I have a polio-related disability contracted when I was 17 and which kept me in hospital for 11 months and turned me out with braces on both legs. I am now 84 and have some post-polio symptoms plus the physical symptoms of aging on a disabled leg/back. I have 3 children, 8 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren, and the same wife for 57 years.
I think the present proposal to have a “national disability insurance scheme” which is specifically designed to exclude polio sufferers by date is a political stunt to give benefits to a small spectrum of the disabled just prior to an election. My plea is for the many polio sufferers worse off then I am. I resent the crocodile tears being shed by the Government on how they “care”.
Why can’t we have a true national disability insurance scheme based on the principle of third party motor insurance where insurance companies run a proper scheme paid for by, and covering, all Australians with the Government paying for the presently disabled and the premiums of the truly poor?
by Dick Symes ~ contracted polio at age 17
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