Just One More
by Dr Denys Cato ~ contracted polio at age 16
I was in Dandenong at a Scout Jamboree. I ended up in hospital but remember very little. Mum told me that I had had polio but I was OK. Fifty years later, I started to limp. I always knew I had one leg shorter because they have to adjust my trousers. I also have slight facial paralysis when I’m tired and I stutter. My fellow workers recognise these signs and make me rest which I suppose is a good thing. I had forgotten that I had had polio, it was so long ago and “I got over it”. Now I know and I just have to live with it. It doesn’t really bother me but for my family, who see the signs, it is different and it affects them more than me. Polio is almost gone from the world but it will be remembered for a long time yet.
by Dr Denys Cato ~ contracted polio at age 16
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