Jan Williams Speaks To Rotarians

Some of you will recall reading about Sue Mackenzie’s fundraising success a couple of years ago through Rotary Club talks in Far North Queensland and, more recently, with her Fashion Fiesta fundraising event in Brisbane. Sue is now co-ordinating an Australia-wide project for Polio Australia by mentoring and encouraging interested polio survivors to speak at as many Rotary Clubs as possible, with the aim of sparking their interest in financially supporting Polio Australia’s work. I have joined Sue in this quest, and on Tuesday 1st March, I attended a meeting of the Rotary Club of Albany Creek, Queensland, as guest speaker on behalf of Polio Australia.
The 15 minute presentation covered Rotary’s involvement with polio in Australia, as far back as the 1920’s, their ongoing involvement in assisting in the endeavours for the eradication of polio world-wide through vaccination programs, and informing them of the current and very real situation in regard to the Late Effects of Polio.
My presentation was enthusiastically received by the members of the club, and an animated 15 minute question time ensued. Club President, Ken Weston and President Elect Cherryl McNaught (pictured to my right), advised that their Club would like to be actively involved in assisting and will be in touch following their next Board Meeting.
I have made contact with 9 other Rotary Clubs and am hoping to get the opportunity to address their members in the near future.